
Installation instructions:


             Once the program was downloaded, double click on the “setup” file in order to begin the process[1]:


 The setup wizard will ask you to press Next> to start:


Next, the User License Agreement described above will be displayed. If you agree, press "I accept the agreement" and select "Next>", otherwise, select the "Cancel" button.



The next window will request you to select the folder in which SimulAr will be installed and the minimum space required on your computer hard disk to carry out this process. The SimulAr User Manual will be also installed in that specified folder:



Select “Next>” to continue. Later on, you must enter the folder in where the SimulAr’s shortcuts will be created.



Once selected "Next>", you will have the option of creating a shortcut in the Windows desktop. Click on "Create a desktop icon" if you want to perform this additional task.



Selecting "Next>" again a window will be displayed indicating that everything is ready to begin installing SimulAr. Select "Install".



Concluded the installation process the Setup Wizard will ask you if you want to launch SimulAr. Click on "Launch SimulAr" and then select "Finish".



The installation process will have concluded and SimulAr will have installed successfully. You can launch SimulAr when you require by clicking on the icon generated in the folder called SimulAr. You can additionally uninstall the application selecting the option "Uninstall SimulAr".

Cuadro de texto:

[1] The author does not assume any responsibility for the errors and fails the installation of SimulAr may cause in the user's system.

Montecarlo Simulation in Excel

Decisions under uncertainty conditions

Developed by Luciano Machain - Copyright 2010