
System requirements:


The minimum requirements SimulAr requires to work are:


· Pentium I Processor or similar.

· Microsoft Excel 2003, 2007, 2010 or 2013 (32 bits version) and Windows.

· Microsoft Office Web Components v10.0 / 11.0 installed[1] before SimulAr.

· The Microsoft Excel add-ins "Analysis ToolPak", "Analysis ToolPak - VBA" and "Solver" installed. To install these Microsoft Excel add-ins you have to select the "Office" button and then "Excel Options":


 Then select “Add-Ins” and the button “Go”.



Next look for the mentioned add-ins, click on them and press “Ok”. 



For an optimal working of the program, it is recommended to have: 

·        Pentium IV Processor or similar

·        Microsoft Excel 2007.

·        1 GB RAM memory.


Cuadro de texto:

[1] In case you don't have the OWC installed, it can be freely obtained from the Download section at the SimulAr Website or alternatively at the Microsoft Website at: In Appendix I in the SimulAr User Manual it is explained how to install the OWC application.  For Excel 2007, 2010 and 2013 and 64 bits version of Windows you must install OWC 11.0 instead of OWC 10.0.

Montecarlo Simulation in Excel

Decisions under uncertainty conditions

Developed by Luciano Machain - Copyright 2010